Capturing the magic of a creative wonderland.

100 Story Building is a social enterprise that champions the creative voices of Victorian children and young people. Over the last decade, its creative literacy workshops have helped more than 40,000 kids – many from disadvantaged communities.

And we’ve been lucky enough to collaborate with the team for many years, creating workshop videos and providing brand and marketing assistance to boost their message.

100 Story Building

Partner agency:

Videos, Brand strategy, Marketing strategy, Brochures & marketing collateral, Annual reports

Unleashing the joy of possibility

From its trapdoor in the corner to the secret room THAT DEFINITELY ISN’T THERE, 100 Story Building is a safe space where anything is possible - encouraging kids to be brave and embrace their imaginations.

So when it came time to make video lessons that would take their workshops online, we collaborated with the talented 100 Story Building facilitators to create stories that would live up to the zany glee children experience in the building.

Writing the next chapter.

In 2020, 100 Story Building asked us to help it increase demand for its “for fee” projects that enable the free and subsidised work 100 Story Building offers to those in need.

After conducting extensive research including stakeholder interviewers, a self-audit and competitor analysis, we identified that the cutting edge nature of 100 Story Building’s educational approach was getting lost in messaging that focussed almost exclusively on the charitable nature of its work with disadvantaged communities.

By better explaining what 100 Story Building does, and quantifying its results, we could establish the organisation as a leader of innovation in creative literacy. This would make it a more aspirational partner for fee-paying clients, without betraying its ongoing commitment to disadvantaged children.

In collaboration with the 100 Story team, we developed a suite of new key messages.

We also identified new tactics and networks to use to raise awareness about this and drive bookings. These included showcasing teachers as brand champions, increasing the profile of its charismatic workshop facilitators, and reviewing communication processes before and after workshops to better prepare schools for visits and establish ongoing relationships with teachers afterwards.

“Social Storylab have a keen eye (and ear) for creative opportunities that elevate projects beyond the everyday. Responsive, collaborative and refreshing.”

Simon Conlon - Program Manager, 100 Story Building


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